Learn The English Language Online
English is an international language. It is most widely used language in the World. So it is very necessary for every person to learn the English language. Learning the English language is not a very difficult task. All you need is a bit determination, spending some time with some books and a group chat with someone for speaking what you have learned.
We provide your resources here to become an expert in spoken as well as in written English language.
Alphabets in English Language
There are 26 Alphabets in English language. Before learning anything in English a student must be familiar with the sapes of these alphabets.
Types of Alphabets
From the figure above, it is clear that there are two types of alphabets in English language: Capital Alphabets and Small Alphabets.
Capital Alphabets
Capital alphabets are usually used to start a sentence, at the start of proper noun, start of verses of poem, represent an abbreviation etc.

Small Alphabets
Most of the times we use small alphabets in English. Cases other than capital alphabets, we always use small alphabets.

Alphabets Sounds in English Language
We can divide alphabets into to types from sounds point of view: Consonents and Vowels. There are five vowels in English language i.e A E I O U. Rest of the alphabets B C D F G H J K L M N P Q R S T V W X Y and Z are consonets. We will learn in detail about vowels when we learn about Articles in English language.