Model Paper English 2016 Class 5



Paper’s Instructions

Part-A = 50 Marks, Part-B = 50 Marks, Total Marks = 100

Written English Exam

The exam is divided into two sections i.e. Objective and Subjective Sections.

  1. Part – A ( Objective Type)
  2. Part – B ( Subjective Type)

Part A (Objective Type)

Model Paper Class 5

Students will answer approximately 25 multiple-choice questions (MCQs. Number of questions may vary). It will have 2 sub – sections.

1.1. Lexical and Formal Aspects of Language and Oral Communication Skills

1.2. Reading and Thinking Skills

1.1. Lexical and Formal Aspects of Language and Oral Communication Skills

Lexical and Formal Aspects of Language and Oral communication skills (which can be tested using paper and pencil test) are reflection of Curriculum-2006. In this section of papers approximately 15 multiple choice questions (see Objective Paper. Number of questions may vary) will be constructed.

1.2.Reading and Thinking Skills.

In this section some parts are given from seen or unseen sources. The prompts are (passages of prose and poetry) designed to stimulate critical thinking and all questions are based on the National Curriculum focusing on Student Leaning Outcomes (SLOs). Seen and Unseen passages of prose and poetry based on the weightage as part of National Curriculum will be part of this section. Students will be asked to read the given comprehension passages and answer multiple choice questions. Approximately 10 multiple choice questions (see Objective Paper. Number of questions may vary) will be assessed in section.

  1. Part B (Subjective Type)

The subjective part gives an opportunity to show how effectively a student can develop and express his / her ideas in writing. This part of paper will consist of approximately 5 CRQs (Constructed Response Items (see Subjective Paper. Number of questions may vary). CRQs (see Subjective Paper) will be assessed on how clearly and effectively a student expresses his opinion.

Guidelines for English Teachers

  • The model papers are true reflection of National Curriculum. Similarly the exams will also be reflection of all the changes which are part of National Curriculum i.e. Competencies, Standards, Benchmarks and SLOs. Keeping this factor in mind it is strongly recommended to promote SLOs based teaching and learning.
  • There is a gradual shift from a generic mark scheme to specific one. Each question will also be dealt individually in terms of its marking. Marking schemes (see Rubrics) are part of these model papers as a guideline to let all the teachers and students alert about this change.
  • New concepts may have different levels of difficulty presenting a reflection of National Curriculum Prepare your students accordingly for examination.

Test Description of English

  • Promote creative writing by introducing new topics to the students. Involve students in more creative writing activities. Discourage rote learning.
  • Encourage students to read additional reading material which may help them to enhance their knowledge and critical thinking skills. Ultimately this reading habit will lead them to improve their vocabulary and information ending up to creativity.
  • Design SLOs based monthly / weekly tests to promote creative writing and concept based learning. Subjective and objective parts of papers should be given equal importance.


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