Pakistan is thriving and Education is critical


Pakistan is thriving and Education is criticalThe British High Commissioner in Pakistan, Thomas Drew, announced that the United Kingdom would help Pakistan to achieve its public education policy goals.  He noted that education was critical in this vibrant, thriving country.

Public Diplomacy Initiative

Drew as speaking to an audience at the Public Diplomacy Initiative, which was launched by Serena Hotels.  Under the banner of Raabta, the launch included a panel discussion about the ‘Pakistan of Tomorrow’.

Mr. Drew was the keynote speaker at the function. In his speech Drew recalled the importance of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and Muhammad Iqbal, as major figures in the Independence Movement.

70th Anniversary

As it was the 70th anniversary of independence noted the founding spirit and associated ideas which were set out at that time.  He discussed what he sees as today’s trends in the economy and development, and noted the important roles of public diplomacy, dialogue and inclusion in a future that could be shared and sustainable.  Drew pointed out the important links between Pakistan and the UK and noted the benefits from both Jinnah and Iqbal.  He recalled a quote from Jinnah, made two days before the 1947 independence: “Our object should be peace within, with our immediate neighbors and the world at large.”

Visit by British Trade Minister

There would be a visit to Pakistan by the British Trade Minister in the next week.  The discussion would include bilateral trade and UK investment in Pakistan.  In order to fast track economic activities in Pakistan, the UK will be extending their best education and vocational training facilities to the country.  Drew said the UK and Punjab governments were cooperating in the area of education in order to start a positive socio-economic change in the provinces.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has had a positive impact on future investment in Pakistan.  Many UK-based companies are already in Pakistan and more will start.

Serena Hotels

The CEO of Serena Hotels, Aziz Boolani, said that Raabta signified the value brought to society by the company.  The company had the ability to facilitate the gathering of experts, policy makers and other citizens.  Through their forum, they could advance debate, knowledge and encourage the development of a wider appreciation of the complex nature of socio-economies.


 A well respected international journalist, Sidra Iqbal, reported that Raabta is aiming to build valuable relationships and public diplomacy is based on these important relationships.  He noted the ‘win-win’ scenario that Raabta was aiming for was possible through the informed and inclusive discussion on these important issues of the day.

The panelists at the launch included people from diverse sectors, al with their unique experiences.  The event was well attended.

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