Past Paper 10th Class Urdu Lahore Board 2016 Group 2


Past Paper 10th Class Urdu Lahore Board 2016 Group 2

Here comes 2016 Urdu group 2 paper of Lahore board. This paper has total seventy five marks. Out of seventy five, fifteen marks are for objective part and sixty marks for subjective part.  See the 2016 group 1 Urdu paper Lahore board of 10th class.

Fist multiple choice question is when did congress issue Nehru report?  Which is the favorite fruit of doctor Iqbal? What are different types of nouns?  What are the right pronunciations of different words? There are some more multiple choice questions from the text book.

Now talk about the longs question. The second question is the explanation of verses of a “ghazal”. More questions are explanation of paragraphs, questions answers, summary of a story, essay writing, and comprehension of a passage.

Objective Type

اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اردو 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم لاہور بورڈ معروضی طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Urdu Lahore Board 2016 Group 2 Objective Type اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اردو 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم لاہور بورڈ معروضی طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Urdu Lahore Board 2016 Group 2 Subjective Type

اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اردو 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم لاہور بورڈ انشائیہ طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Urdu Lahore Board 2016 Group 2 Subjective Type اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اردو 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم لاہور بورڈ انشائیہ طرز


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