Past Paper 10th Class Pak Studies Lahore Board 2016 Group 2


Past Paper 10th Class Pak Studies Lahore Board 2016 Group 2

The total marks of Pak Studies paper are 50. First objective part has 10 multiple choice questions of one number each. Second subjective part has 5 long questions. Total marks of subjective part are forty.  See the Group 1 Pak Studies paper of Lahore board of 10th class.

First multiple choice question is, who was become head of Pakistani Government in 1958? In all the banks of Pakistan, Zaqat is deducted from the accounts. What is Youm e Takbeer? Where is the wind energy plant in Pakistan? When China came into being?  In which province, Sindhi language is spoken? These were few important MCQs.

Long questions include relation of Pakistan with its neighbor country Iran, explain small industries of Pakistan, important social problems of Pakistan etc.

Objective Type

اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپرمطالعہ پاکستان 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم لاہور بورڈ معروضی طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Pak Studies Lahore Board 2016 Group 2 Objective Type اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپرمطالعہ پاکستان 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم لاہور بورڈ معروضی طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Pak Studies Lahore Board 2016 Group 2 Subjective Type

اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپرمطالعہ پاکستان 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم لاہور بورڈ انشائیہ طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Pak Studies Lahore Board 2016 Group 2 Subjective Type اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپرمطالعہ پاکستان 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم لاہور بورڈ انشائیہ طرز


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