Ratio of Children Out of School in Pakistan
Ratio of children out of school in Pakistan is very high. Pakistan’s Constitution states that all children have the right to education. Despite the fact that it is compulsory millions are not receiving this education that is their right.
Number of Children Not Going to School
A recent report, ’25 Million Broken Promises’, suggests there are at least 25 million children (from 5-16) who are not attending educational institutions. Even more bad news is the fact that it seems that 85% of children are not involved in higher-secondary education.
Summary Report of Education Crisis in Pakistan
The report lists ten frightening aspects of the crisis in Pakistan’s education system.
1. Condition of Balochistan
Balochisten has the most children out of school.
2. Condition of Punjab
Punjab has more than half of the children out of school.
3 Girls Education
In the entire country, girls find it much more difficult to go to school.

4 Ratio of School going Boys and Girls
More than half of the children not going to school are girls.

5. Girls are forbidden while boys are not willing
Girls are more often forbidden to go to school by their parents, whereas boys are not always willing to go to school.
6. Mostly, Older Children Out of School in Pakistan
It is more common for older children to be non-attenders.

7. Children never been to school
70% of the children not going to school have probably never been to school.
8. Girls are helping hand
Girls often have to leave school to help with jobs in the family.
9. Children not going to school in poor families
If children come from poor families, they are less likely to go in school.

10 Schools Unable to Retain Students
The system finds it difficult to keep students who are enrolled in school leading to poor retention rates.
source: dawn.com