Gujranwala Board (1st Year, 2nd Year) Intermediate Datesheet 2022


Gujranwala Board Intermediate Datesheet 2022

As you all know that examination of Compulsory subject like Enligh, Urdu, Islamiyat, Pak Studies will not be held this year. The Exams of Physics, Chemistry, Islamiat (Elec.), Education, Biology and Mathematics will be held in two groups. while all other exams will be taken at one group only.
The candidate will only take exams in the group mentioned in his/her Roll Number Slip.

Candidates must write roll numbers at the specified place on the title page of the answer sheet. You are not allowed to write roll number anywhere else.  Any  holiday during the exams will not affect this date sheet.

Gujranwala Board (1st Year, 2nd Year) Intermediate Datesheet

Gujranwala Board 2nd Year Intermediate Datesheet 2022

Gujranwal Board has announced intermediate datesheet 2022 as on July 2022.  Here is Gujranwala board date sheet for the 2nd Year exams of 2022.

Gujranwala Board 2nd Year Intermediate Datesheet 2021


Gujranwala Board 1st Year Intermediate Datesheet 2022

1st years exams date sheet of Gujranwala Board is not announced yet.




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