Pakistan To Receive Aid From World Bank For New Education Model


Aid from the World Bank

Pakistan will receive assistance from the World Bank to develop a model of non-formal education.  The program will target uneducated, illiterate children and young adults in various areas of Punjab and Sindh, and will address literacy, labor market, and life skills.

A New Road Map for the Pakistani Education System

Since the summer of 2018 the new leadership of the Pakistani government has been developing a new road map for the Pakistani education system.  From a federal level and the provincial education departments, concerns have been raised about children who are out of school.  This is one of the critical issues to be addressed.

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Partners for Implementing Proposed Project

Development partners who are assisting with implementing the proposed project include the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), USAID, and UNICEF.  They will build on existing programs to address the critical issue of children who are out of school.

Although the issue is urgent, interventions at both a federal and provincial level have been limited, and the enormous challenge of public education is being addressed at present.

Issue of Children Not Attending School

The proposed interventions have been designed to address the issue of those children not attending school by increasing their access to, and retention in the public education system.  Despite this, there are still gaps in service delivery, which the interventions were intended to address.

This education initiative is in alignment is in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the international agenda, and the development partners support this.

Also see COVID-19 effect and Pakistan’s Online Education

Accelerated Learning Programmes (ALPs)

Accelerated Learning Programmes (ALPs) will be offered to out-of-school children, including primary (8-10 years) and secondary (10-16 years), using a non-formal education program, which aims to facilitate their entry into the formal school system.

Students aged 5-7 years are accepted into primary schools in Pakistan, but those 8 years and older generally find it difficult to start formal schooling.  The ALPs for those students who have missed primary school entry are being developed.  They include curricula, teaching and learning materials, and training and assessment methods.

Punjab and Sindh Have Approved

Punjab and Sindh provinces have approved the programme under Literacy Development (LD) and School Education and Literacy Department (SELD).  There will be a rapid survey of children who are out of school, and campaigns on awareness and enrolment in villages.

Program Detail

This program will permit children who complete 1250 hours of learning, which will equate to the first five years of primary school, to be eligible.  These students will be able to sit the School Leaving Examination, which takes place in the fifth class, and officially receive the class fifth certificate.


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