Past Paper 10th Class Chemistry Lahore Board 2014 English Medium Group1


Past Paper 10th Class Chemistry Lahore Board 2014 English Medium Group1

Past paper 10th class Chemistry Lahore Board 2014 group 1 paper has three parts: Subjective, objective and practical parts.  Following is the detail of each part.

Click here for Group 2 Paper of Chemistry 10th Lahore 2014

Objective Type

objective part has 12 multiple choice questions. Some of them are as follows:

  • Which disease causes liver inflammation?
  • What is just above the earth’s surface?
  • Which salt is used to dry the gas?
  • Which pollutant is not found in car exhaust gases?
  • What is the color of lodine?

Past Paper 10th Class Chemistry Lahore Board 2014 English Medium Group1 - Objective Type - Page 1

Subjective Type

Subjective part has 8 long questions. Some of them are as follows:

  • Write equation of forward reaction between hydrogen and iodine.
  • Write names of any two methods of preparation of salts.
  • Write condensed formula of any two hydro carbons.
  • What are saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons?
  • Write sources of vitamins A and D.
  • Differentiate between atmosphere and environment.
  • What is air pollutant? Give example of primary and secondary air pollutant.
  • What process are involved in the extraction of metal?
  • What are the causes of hardness in water, Write two effects of water pollution.
  • Write down percentage of carbon, properties, and uses of different types of coal.
  • Explain that natural fertilizers are better than synthetic fertilizers.


Practical part has 3 practical questions. Some of them are as follows:

  • Explain the procedure of experiment used to identify aldehyde by Fehling solution.
  • Write the procedure to identify metal ions by flame test.


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