Past Paper 10th Class Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 1


Past Paper 10th Class Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 1

Group 1 of class 10 Gujranwala Board Islamiat Paper of 2016 has total two hours time. Please also see Group 2 of 10thclass Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016.

In the first MCQ, meaning of an Arabic word is asked.  Allah Subhana hu wa Ta’ala and the angels send darood to Muhammad Salala hu alahay wassalam.  What is meaning of Sabr? What is Jihad –e-Akbar. Jihad of women is Hajj.

The second part consists of some of the following short questions:

  • What is the “masnoon” method of bath?
  • What is explained about doomsday in Holy Quran
  • What are the two occasions of happiness for “raza dar”?
  • Write two compulsions of ablution
  • Write two duties of a wife
  • Write two benefits of ablution
  • What is the better form of Jihad

Objective Type

اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اسلامیات 2016 پہلا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ معروضی طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 1 Objective Type اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اسلامیات 2016 پہلا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ معروضی طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 1 Subjective Type

اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اسلامیات 2016 پہلا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ انشائیہ طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 1 Subjective Type اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اسلامیات 2016 پہلا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ انشائیہ طرز


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