Past Paper 10th Class Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 2


Past Paper 10th Class Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 2

Group 2 of 10thclass Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016 paper has total 50 marks. Please also see Group 1 of 10thclass Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016.

First objective question is “What is Jihad”. The second one is “What is the meaning of Sabr?” The third question is “What is the month of Virtues”.  How many ayasts of Surat ul Mumtahna? What is the pillar of Islam? What is the importance of Ablution in Prayer?

In the subjective part different short questions are asked.  In first three questions meaning of different Arabic words is asked. Another question is “What is explained about doomsday in Holy Quran?”  What are instructions about veil? Write note about Hazrat Zaid Razi Allah Anho.  Write duties of a husband. What are “adaabs” of Nimaz e Juma? What is Jihad bin Nafs? Write two compulsions of Ghusal.  These were few short questions asked.

Objective Type

اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اسلامیات 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ معروضی طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 2 Objective Type اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اسلامیات 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ معروضی طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 2 Subjective Type

اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اسلامیات 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ انشائیہ طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Islamiat Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 2 Subjective Type اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپر اسلامیات 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ انشائیہ طرز


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