Punjab Government Putting a New Focus on Education


The man in charge of education in Pakistan, Provincial Minister Rana Mashood Ahmad Khan, is very excited about the changes that the Punjab government is making with regards to promoting education. Chief Minister Sharif has decided to take a new approach to emphasizing the importance of education and to making education more available. The University College London has helped the Punjab government come up with plan to improve the educational system.

One of the important steps the Punjab government is taking is to send 50 students overseas to get their Ph. D at some of the most prestigious universities in the world. Another group of 130 students have been specially chosen to go study Chinese in China. The hope is that all these students will be a big part of the program to improve the educational system which will in turn improve the economy of the country.

Provincial Minister Khan that he is very impressed with the leadership and vision of the Punjab Chief Minister. The Chief Minister plans on increasing the number of teachers in the country and also making sure that the teachers they hire are well trained. He is also planning on making sure the schools are going to equipped to hold the new teachers and all the students.

The group of experts of University College of London which is led by Mrs. Kim Insley is there to help the Punjab government improve their educational system. They began this process by spending some time watching how the educational system currently works in the different schools across the country. After observing, they began meeting with representatives in the department of education, with educators and with students. The recommendations that the group of experts made included specific reforms that should be implemented, teacher development, increased communication between educators and students and improving the atmosphere in the schools themselves. Some of the people attending these meetings included the Education Secretary Abdul Jabbar Shaheen, directors of education and many others.


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