Evision London Met | London Metropolitan University Evision


Evision London Met

Evision London Met internal tool which you can use in university or you may use outside university like at  your home. Evision provides the required information to the students of London Metropolitan University. Evision also provides access to the tasks which are necessary for the students.

This information include:

  • Check the students personal information
  • Edit personal information like contact detail
  • Check student’s enrollment status.
  • Check the fees detail
  • Check student’s modules
  • Check the coursework deadlines
  • Check your personal academic tutor
  • Print coursework worksheet
  • Check the result of current module
  • Check the progress
  • Check the Final Award
  • and more….

Weblearn London Met is a virtual learning environment for London Met University. The students can consult that VLE for their study requirements.

Who can use London Metropolitan University Evision

Enrolled student of London Met can used Evision for his/her requirements.

Problems using Evision

You may face some of the following problems while using London Met Evision.


You may face timeout problems using London Metropolitan University Evision.  The reason is that, Evsion will timeout after 30 minutes inactive session. The simple solution to the expired session is just to login the system again.

User ID and Password

There is a recent change. Your Evision User Name and Password is same to university network login.  The format is like ABC123.  Note, its not your student’s ID number.

Password Expire

If you unable to login, you password may have expired.  In that case you should change the password.  You may change your password here.  It is a good practice to change your password periodically.

You can click here to login  London Metropolitan Evision

Evision Help

If at the time of login you find a message for Invalid Username Password combination. In that case what should you do?

This Evision online help provides you guideline for all of your problems. You can get help about Evision here.



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