Past Paper 10th Biology Gujranwala 2014 Group 1


Past Paper Class 10 Biology Gujranwala Board 2014 Objective Type Group 1 (English Medium)

Here is Biology paper of 10th class Gujranwala board, 2014, group 1 paper. There are two parts of this paper. First part is objective type and second part is subjective type.  Following are some of the multiple choice questions:

  • Which of these addictive drugs are also used as pain killers?
  • What was ration of phenotypes in monohybrid crosses?
  • What is the portion of nervous system that is involuntary in action?
  • How many pea plants were used in the experiments of Mendel?
  • What type of blood vessels surrounds the alveoli?

Past Paper Class 10 Biology Gujranwala Board 2014 Objective Type Group 1 (English Medium)

Click here for group 2 paper

Past Paper Class 10 Biology Gujranwala Board 2014 Subjective Type Group 1 (English Medium)

There are very interesting questions in the subjective part. Some of those questions are very difficult, while some are straight forward. Following are some of the subjective questions:

  • Name the membranes surrounding the lungs. What is their function?
  • Describe the changes which take place during expiration or exhalation in the chest cavity?
  • What is the difference between osmoregulation and thermoregulation?
  • What is meant by meaning of the brain? Write their two functions?
  • What is the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis?
  • What is the difference between cutting and grafting?
  • What is the difference between genotype and phenotype?
  • What is meant by ecosystem? Write two examples of natural ecosystem.
  • Give two features and two functions of human lugs. Also mention the safety measures taken by nature to save the lungs.
  • How do plants get rid of their waste products? Write down three methods with example.
  • Describe the structure of human eye with the help of diagram.
  • What are ligaments and tendons? What functions do they perform?
  • Write down about the development and structure of seed in plants.
  • You have observed bulb of onion. Describe its structure with diagram.

Past Paper Class 10 Biology Gujranwala Board 2014 Subjective Type Group 1 (English Medium)


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