Past Paper 10th Biology Gujranwala 2014 Group 2


Past Paper Class 10 Biology Gujranwala Board 2014 Objective Type Group 2 (English Medium)

Here is a past paper Biology of class 10, Gujranwala board, 2014, group 2. You can also see the group 1 paper of Gujranwala board. Out of two parts first part of this paper is objective type and the second part is subjective type.  Following are few MCQs of this paper:

  • Which bone is part of Appendicular Skeleton?
  • If two plants having genotype ‘Rr’ are crossed with each other, what percentage of newly produced plants will have genotype ‘rr’?
  • In the first step of glycolysis, one molecule of glucose is broken down into two molecules of which acid?
  • In the structure of DNA, Adenine of one nucleotide pairs with which of the nitrogenous base of opposite nucleotide?
  • What are the medicines which kill or stop the growth of bacteria?
  • Which gas is absorbed through stomata of plants during nights?
  • If a problem exists in the medulla oblongata of brain which function of the body will be affected?

Past Paper Class 10 Biology Gujranwala Board 2014 Objective Type Group 2 (English Medium)

Past Paper Class 10 Biology Gujranwala Board 2014 Subjective Type Group 2 (English Medium)

Subjective questions of this paper are as follows:

  • What is the function of mucous present in nasal cavity?
  • Write down five components of coordination action.
  • Differentiate between compact bone to that of spongy bone.
  • Write a short note on appendicular Skeleton. Define Joints. Also write its types.
  • From where producers get their energy and in which form they store it?
  • Write down name of four products prepared through genetic engineering.
  • What is the percentage of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen in inspired air?
  • How plants remove extra oxygen and carbon dioxide?
  • What is germination of seed? Explain its types with examples.
  • Write the procedure of presence of tar in the smoke of cigarette.
  • Draw and label the observed diagram of typical eye of mammal.
  • Draw and label the observed diagram of seed of gram. Define Fertilization

Past Paper Class 10 Biology Gujranwala Board 2014 Subjective Type Group 1 (English Medium)


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