Past Paper 10th Class Pak Studies Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 2


Past Paper 10th Class Pak Studies Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 2

Group 2 Gujranwala Board Pak Studies Paper of Class 10 has interesting and informative questions. Also see Gujranwala Pak Studies Group 1 paper of 10thclass.

The first multiple choice question is “Who the governor general of Pakistan was in 1958”. Third question asks the “number of members of national assembly”. Another question is “What the finest pronunciation of Pakistan is”. What is the language of Baluchistan and rounding of Qalat. According to the census of 1998, what was the population of Pakistan are two more MCQs.

In the subjective part there is a short questions section. Some of the short questions are as follows:

  • Name any three countries of Islamic Conference Organization.
  • What is the incident of World Trade Centre?
  • What is the price of privatization of Habib Bank Limited and United Bank Limited?
  • Write two duties of Provincial Government.
  • Why Nepal is famous?
  • Name any four countries of SAARC.
  • What is social development?
  • What is prep and primary education?

Objective Type

اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپرمطالعہ پاکستان 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ معروضی طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Pak Studies Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 2 Objective Type اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپرمطالعہ پاکستان 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ معروضی طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Pak Studies Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 2 Subjective Type

اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپرمطالعہ پاکستان 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ انشائیہ طرز

Past Paper 10th Class Pak Studies Gujranwala Board 2016 Group 2 Subjective Type اپ ٹو ڈیٹ پیپرمطالعہ پاکستان 2016 دوسرا گروپ جماعت دہم گوجرانوالہ بورڈ انشائیہ طرز


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