Past Paper 10th Computer Gujranwala 2014 (English Medium)


Past Paper 10th Computer Gujranwala 2014 (English Medium) – OBJECTIVE Type

Here is Computer Science Past Paper of 10th class, Gujranwala, 2014. In the objective part, there are two multiple choice questions about Function Keys used in Basic and MS Word.  Function keys like F1, F2, F3 etc. have different functions in different programs. In Basic, they are used to Load, Compile, Save, and Execute programs. F1 key is usually used to open help of that specific program. There is a question about the date when basic language developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz. There is a question about PALETTE colors. There is a question about array which is a variable that holds a large group of similar type of data. There is another question about software that provides the facility of documentation. Of course, the right choice is “word processor”.  The software used to draw geometrical shapes in MS-Word is in fact word art. Another tricky question is how many logical operators in GW-Basic.

Past Paper 10th Computer Gujranwala 2014 (English Medium) - Objective TypePast Paper 10th Computer Gujranwala 2014 (English Medium) – SUBJECTIVE Type

There are interesting long questions. First short question asks the difference of run-time errors and logical errors.  Top down design technique in analyze the problem, logical error in a program, “AUTO” command, reserve words, assignment operators, GOTO statement, difference between simple and sub-scripted variable, DIM statement, data display modes, DRAW and LINE statement are few short questions asked about BASIC language.  Some of the short questions about MS-Word are difference of SAVE and SAVE AS, CUT/PASTE,  spell-checker of MS-Word etc.

In section III, there is a question with three parts. The first part is, write a procedure for left alignment of a whole document and also the procedure to bold, italic and underline the text.  The second part is, write a program to calculate the volume of a cylinder. Last part is, write a program to print parallelogram by using Draw statement.

Past Paper 10th Computer Gujranwala 2014 (English Medium) - Subjective Type


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