Past Paper 10th Class Computer Lahore Board 2014 Group 1


Past Paper Class 10 Computer Lahore Board 2014 Objective Type Group 1

The first question is multiple choice questions as usual. There are twelve MCQs. Students are required to solve all the 12 questions. There is no negative marking for wrong answers. The first question is about the last statement of the subroutine. Next question is about the software that provides the facility of documentation.  The third question is about two dimension array. Next question asks about shortcut key of spelling and grammar check.  A question about flowchart asks the function of annotation symbol in a flow chart.  The color of code-2 in palette-1 is red, green, white or magenta.  There is one question about MS-Word: i.e. which option in FILE menu used to lose a file in MS-Word.  There is a question about the maximum number of characters in a line in GW Basic. The last question is which of the following cannot be used to exit from an error handling routine.

Past Paper Class 10 Computer Lahore Board 2014 Objective Type Group 1

Past Paper Class 10 Computer Lahore Board 2014 Subjective Type Group 1

Following are some of the important long questions:

  • Define Desk Checking
  • Write down three advantages of using flow chart
  • List three important causes of logical errors
  • Define Direct mode in BASIC
  • Differentiate between CLS and CLEAR Command.
  • What do you know about FIX ( ) function?
  • What is the purpose of SQR ( ) function?
  • What is the use of Text Mode in BASIC?
  • How LINE statement is different from CIRCLE Statement?
  • What is the purpose of DATE $?

Past Paper Class 10 Computer Lahore Board 2014 Subjective Type Group 1



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