Past Paper English 5th Class 2010 Punjab Board (PEC) Solved Paper


 Past Paper English 5th Class 2010 Punjab Board (PEC) Solved Paper

In the first part of past paper of 5th class 2010, thirty multiple choice questions (MCQs) are given. All questions carry equal marks.

First question is relating to tenses. It asks about sentence in Present Continuous Tense. As we know in the present continuous tense we use first form of verb+ing.  “Is, am, or are” are used as helping verbs. So the second sentence “The moon is shining in the sky” is a present continuous sentence.

In the second question “your friend” is “Subject” which is singular. We always use “is” with singular instead of “are” So the second sentence “Who is your friend” is the correct one.

In third question there is an introduction of days of the week. Yesterday is previous day while tomorrow is next day. Current day is called today. So we will say “Tomorrow comes after today”.

Fourth, fifth and seventh questions are about use of present indefinite tense, present continuous tense and present perfect tense respectively. Sixth multiple choice question is about negative form of a sentence. Next question asks meaning of “Delightful”. The correct answer is happy.

Question number 9 is about capitalization. For correct English, correct use of capital letters is essential. Every sentence should start with a capital letter. Rest of the words should be in small letters. Exceptions are some proper nouns, weekdays’ names, months’ names etc.

More question include Use of proper noun, what are crockery items, proper use of and, the group of words with all adjectives, group of words with all verbs, correct rhyming verbs, correct spellings, what we say when we request someone, correct translation Urdu to English, and arrangement of words.

There are also 4 open ended questions.

Objective Type

Past Paper English 5th Class 2010 Punjab Board (PEC) Solved Paper Objective Type - Page 1


Past Paper English 5th Class 2010 Punjab Board (PEC) Solved Paper – Page 2

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Past Paper English 5th Class 2010 Punjab Board (PEC) Solved Paper – Page 3

Past Paper English 5th Class 2010 Punjab Board (PEC) Solved Paper Objective Type - Page 3


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Subjective Type

Past Paper English 5th Class 2010 Punjab Board (PEC) Solved Paper Subjective Type - Page 4


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