Scope is Only for the Best


Einstein was often bullied in his class when he could not keep the pace with his class-fellows. When his teachers used to lecture him most of the time his mind remained blank. But he was courageously critical of the syllabus as well as the teaching methodologies of different subjects in general and mathematics in particular. He was eventually expelled from his school for not aligning himself according to the prescribed rules and regulations.

Scope is Only for the Best

Albert Einstein, born in a Jew family in Germany, was not even an average student in his school but was very much able to revolutionize the dimensions of classical physics. Einstein nevertheless changed the course of history. He could not stand the average educational system for his outstandingly above-average mind. He was the best in his lot, though, quite unreadable by his teachers.

These days all the students are busy either in their exams or preparing for them. Matric exams are being held throughout Punjab and other provinces. After that intermediate students will rush to the examination centres. But here is a minute problem which has a built-in ‘quality’ to grow bigger and bigger and suddenly explode like a volcano. Parents think that their children and only their children are intelligent enough; or only they should be intelligent enough to secure top positions in class as well as board. When they are done with their matric exams, parents’ only desire remains that their son or daughter must take admission in F.Sc. – pre-engineering or pre-medical groups, ignoring the mental capacity of the child in most cases.

After the completion of F.Sc. parents do not stop dreaming for a second that their child will either be an engineer or a doctor, and nothing else. This not only ruins the capacity of a child but also snubs the genius resting in his or her mind.

Every child is not an engineer or a doctor. A child may be a computer-geek, an economist, a political scientist or a historian. There can also be a hidden artist in him viewing the world through different but fascinatingly unique prism. ‘He’ can be a brilliant poet and ‘she’ can be the best novelist. One may desire to be a diplomat engaging world leaders with his wit; or his passion may also be to be a religious scholar. Ah! These all are the fields which remain unforeseeable till predictable future which could bear fruit.

Among the great men in the history of mankind we witness scientists, saints, leaders, kings, poets and authors but only a fraction of them might have been medical doctors or engineers. But the most common thing among them was that they all were the ‘best’ in their respective departments. Because they all knew that there is always a room at the top; and each of them took a flight for that very room.

Yes, medicine and engineering are great professions but this point ought not to be ignored that every child is not same in terms of intelligence. Nature of every new-born is distinctive like the finger-prints. As our noble Quran states that every human being follows his own nature. Parents, the best creature the Almighty has created, should realise this notion that children should be given a room while choosing their professions. Because at the end of the day it will be the same innocent kid who will have to bear all the burden of practical life. Instead of dictating and declaring a particular profession over their children, parents need to let them decide what they want to do themselves. In fact, parents should push their children to be the best – and in the field of their own choice.

Once I heard a man counseling some young minds. As I listened to him being a passer-by I was immensely moved by the words of he was uttering. He was saying, “Scope is only for the best. If you are the best, you will always be in demand!”

I hope that the parents will encourage their children to discover themselves rather than dragging adolescent minds toward the professions they would not excel in.


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