How To Travel By Ship From UK To USA OR USA to UK


1. Travel By Ship From UK To USA

We do not see too much travel by ship from UK to USA in last 50 years.  Because there are Numerous airlines which travel between United Kingdom to the United States every day, but the number of ships offering this trip has dropped considerably. Not all these boats offer travellers accommodation for passage across the Atlantic.

There are still options, including cruise ships.  If you want to travel across the Atlantic by boat you need to research it carefully.

In current COVID situation, you may have also a question in your mind “What Do I Need To Travel To USA From UK?“. You must be vaccinated to travel from UK to USA. Either you travel by ship or plane.

2. Travel From USA to UK By Ship

Travel from USA to UK by ship is not very popular. Still a range of passenger and car ferry services efficiently connect numerous ports across the UK with southern and northern Europe.

Travel From UK To USA By Ship

Find out how you can navigate from UK towards the US via boat.

Calculate a budget for your travels From UK to USA

It is cheaper to travel across the Atlantic by boat than by plane.

It can cost anywhere between $1000 and more than $4000 per person.   This depends on the type of cabin you choose.

Make a reservation for a cruise on Cunard.

Cunard travels between Southampton and New York on the Queen Mary II.  This summer is the best option for booking your trip.

No trips are available between January and March.  If something becomes available, these last minute bookings off the best prices.

Prices range from inside cabins with no window ($650 – $900 per person) to a suite, costing up to $4000 for each person for the seven night trip. Click here for detail

Try a Positioning Cruise.

Each year the cruise companies change from Europe to the Caribbean.  There are websites, such as where you can find a cruise ship leaving from either London on Southampton.

Because they do not stop at ports on the way, they often offer discounted fares.  Travel agents and travel websites do not usually have these cruises listed.  These bookings need to be made directly with the companies.

Check cruises that are about seven days, or travel to the Caribbean may be included.

Try a Freighter.

Freighters are legally permitted to have twelve passengers on board without the need for a doctor.  Sometimes you can find tickets for as little as $50-$100 a night for food and accommodation.  Remember, it is basic.  There is no entertainment on board, but you might be invited to meals or cocktail parties with the captain.

You need to be flexible if travelling this way.  The ships make stops for delivery of goods. Check if you are permitted to leave the ship during these stops.

Travel From USA To UK By Ship

Ferry Ports

The most important International UK ferry ports are: Felixstowe, Harwich, Folkestone, Dover, Southampton, and Bristol in southern England; Hull and Liverpool in northern England; Edinburgh in Scotland as well as Belfast and Belfast in Northern Ireland.


Ferries are efficient, affordable and enjoyable. The cost of faries varies greatly based on the season, the time of travel and the length of time so be sure to do your research prior to booking.


The time for crossings varies from just a little over 1 hour along the fastest routes, to 24-hour services coming from Spain as well as Scandinavia. If you are planning an overnight trip you might consider spending a little extra to have a sleeping space. DFDS operates a swiftly Seacat (catamaran) services to Boulogne in France in just under an hour. Catamarans are able to carry vehicles, and do not have the dip and swing of a traditional ship and are therefore a better option for those who become seasick.


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