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Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Interesting articles relating to education

Plight in the Flight of Education in Pakistan Remarks of Allama Muhammad Asad about current education system in Pakistan One of the most remarkable Muslim thinkers of twentieth century, Muhammad Assad (formerly Leopold Weisz) who was revered as 'Europe's gift to...
Associate Degree vs Bachelor Degree A bachelor’s degree can be seen as an extension of an associate’s degree. The bachelor’s degree normally takes twice as long to complete and can open up more possible careers.  There are additional differences.  An associate’s...
Pakistan is a country – diverse, multi-lingual, multi-cultural and inhabited by one of the most welcoming and hospitable peoples of the world. Its geo-strategic location makes Pakistan a gateway to the warm waters of Arabian Sea for Central Asian...
Yes, really you can do it! Empowerment is generally considered to be those feelings we have that make us feel as though we can follow and achieve our goals in life (we can do it).  We have confidence in our...
Although we aren’t able to see without light, there are some animals that can do this.  The retina in our eye is responsible for this, and it consists of cones and rods, which are special cells.  Cones detect colored lights...
Haroon-ur-Rasheed, one of the most powerful caliphs of Abbasid dynasty, once saw his young son holding the shoes of his teacher while they both were entering a mosque. The caliph was extremely fearful to the young prince. The teacher...
It is alleged that in the Muslim lands, priority is given to Islamic faith rather than local cultures. Be it politics or administration, sports or festivities or be it schooling of the children -- all revolve around the religion....
Punjab government has recently ordered a ban on ‘Tablighi Jamaat’, a religious movement that preaches Islam across the globe, in private as well as public universities in Punjab. This development has come in a time when pressure is building...
When Macaulay was addressing the House of Lords in 1835 proposing such an educational system in India that would alienate Indians’ own systems in their own eyes and glorify those of the Brits; and that Indians be taught of...
Cyber Bullying in Pakistan The technology revolution has allowed cyber bullying to enter a new era.  The use of social media, text messages and chat facilities has allowed bullies yet another platform for tormenting their victims.  It has become known...