Best Hifz Schools in Lahore | Best Islamic Schools in Lahore


Best Islamic Schools in Lahore

There are many Islamic schools in Lahore.  It is difficult to decide about the best Hifz schools in Lahore. Different schools have different features.  Some of the schools provides excellent Islamic environment along with quality contemporary education. Some of them provides safe environment for girls. Some of them are not only providing quality education, but also giving all this in a very reasonable fee.

List of Best Hifz Schools in Lahore

Following list provides information about best hifz schools in Lahore.

  • Iqra Rauza tul Atfal
  • Albarakah C.E.S
  • Rosans
  • Scholastic Islamiah
  • Dar-ut-Taqwa Boys High School
  • Scil
  • EPIC
  • First Step Islamic School
  • Dara ul Huda
  • Dar ul Furqan
  • Al-Sibgha
  • Adbistan e Sophia (AES)

Iqra Rauza Tul Atfal

Iqra Roza tul atfal is one of the biggest network Islamic schools in Pakistan.  Iqra Rauz tul Atfal has 185 branches in all the provinces of Pakistan.  Hifz is compulsory in this school.  They take admission in Rauza Ba and Rauza Jeem   (روضہ ب اور روضہ ج) . In these two classes, children learn basic alphabets of English, Urdu and Maths and recognition of these characters.  In Qaida class, they learn qaida, which is the base of Holly Quran.  After that they start nazrah and Hifz e Quran.  During hifz e quran, full attention is given to the hifz of students.  In the completion of Hifz e Quran, contemporary studies starts in fast track.  Uniform is Shalwar qameez for boys and girls. Topi for boys and scarf for girls are compulsory.  The minimum age for admission is 3 year.

for more information visit their website .

Al-Barakah C.E.S

Al-Barakah School is one of the best Islamic schools in Lahore which has five different campuses on different places. Al-Barakah C.E.S is serving since 2003.   Hifz is compulsory for boys and optional for girls.  They take admission in Pre-Nursery class at the age of 3.5 years.  After Pre-Nursery and Nursery classes, there is Prep class which is the most important class of Albarakah C.E.S.  In Prep class, students are taught Qaida throughout the year along with contemporary education.   After that they start nazrah in class one and Hifz e Quran in class two.  Students learn Quran by hear along with three subjects i.e. English, Urdu, and Maths.  Whenever a student completes his/her hifz e quran, complete study along with revision of Quran starts. It has quite reasonable fees. Features like fully air conditioned class rooms, CCTV, Library, Computer Lab, Science Lab,  six days a week classes, maximum 20 students per section, and more,  make Al-Barakah a unique choice for all the parents.  Uniform is Shalwar qameez for boys and girls. White Cap/topi is mandatory for all the boys. Similarly scarf is compulsory for the girls. Monthly fees from 2200 to 4,000.

for more information visit their website .

Scholastic School

Scholastic School has two branches at Gulberg III and Peco Road Lahore and serving since 2007. It has Pre Schooling to O Levels. It also offers Hifz-e-Quran Classes. It does not offer Matriculation or FSc. It also teaches basic Arabic language as a subject.  Uniform is Shalwar qameez for boys and girls. Cap is recommended but not required for boys. Monthly Tuition fees from 10,000 to 16,000.

for more information visit their website .

Arabic is taught as a language, which gives students a basic ability but not fluency.

Rosans Islamic School

Rosans School is has two campuses at Gulber II and Paragon City.  The school year runs from September to May. It has Classes from Montessori to O levels.  It takes admission in Montessori I class at the age of 2.9 years.  Hifz is optional in Rosans Islamic School. Boys of Rosans start their hifz after 5th class and girls start after 4th class. During the hifz the contemporary studies continue at slower pace.

Monthly fees from 2200 to 4,000.

for more information visit their website .

Dar-ut-Taqwa Boys High School.

Dar-ut-taqwa school is only for boys from class 6 to 10. It is great for huffaz who can revise their Quran along with schooling.

Al-Sibgha School

Al-Sibgha School is another Islamic school in Lahore which has two campuses.   It introduces Islamic Montessori System in Pakistan.    It provides combination of Hifz, Nazra and contemporary education.  It has facilities like library, Labs, security, etc.  Minimum age for admission is 2.5 Years. The fees vary from 2,500 to 4,500.

Adbistan E Sophia School

Adbistan e Sophia School is a school which provides O/Levels and Matric classes. Now, it is also offering  Hifz e Quran. It provides concept base study along with great opportunities of extra/co curricular activities to its students. It has one big campus at prime location in Lahore city. Monthly fees from 4500 to 12,000.

There are some other little Islamic schools in Lahore located in different areas.

See Also: The best driving schools in Lahore.


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