Central Superior Services (CSS) Exam Will be Modified


Officials in Islamabad have made the decision to change the CSS (Central Superior Services) Exam as well as the system used to train those who are in the process of studying for this exam. The exact changes that will be made to the test and the training system have not been determined but one change that is being considered is raising the top age to 30 and requiring a master’s degree to take the test.

Central Superior Services Exam Will be ModifiedThe CSS Exam Today

The current system allows anyone who has graduated with at least a C and who is 28 years or younger to take the CSS Exam. There are exceptional cases where someone up to 30 years old has been allowed to take the Central Superior Services Exam. The government is reviewing several different reforms that could be made to the CSS and FPSC exams and the programs used to train people for the exams.

Government Planning Changes

Sources report that the Ministry of Planning, Development and Reforms are going to meet for two days with other government officials, educators and technology experts for two days this month. They will be considering all the reforms that have been recommended for reforming the CSS exam, the FPSC exam and the programs used for training. One reason that this is something that the government is considering is that the 18th amendment of the constitution which supports the idea of changing the civil service exam so that it is up to date with the changes in society.

Debate on CSS Examination System on a Seminar

There are many different reforms being recommended that they will discuss at this two-day meeting. Requiring more education to take the CSS Exam is one reform being considered as is updating the training program to include more modern material for students studying for the CSS Exam. Another reform being considered is combining cadres and ex-cadre jobs into one group of cadres so that the selection process for jobs would match people with special qualifications for the jobs that are best suited for their qualifications. This would help fill jobs in accounting, technology and customs with better-qualified candidates.

Other countries that have increased the required education and matched people with jobs they are best qualified for have found that this has worked very well. The committee that will be meeting will discuss this and other proposals which will then be applied at all level of civil service in the country.

Central Superior Services (CSS) Examination Leak Investigated


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