Names of Flowers in Jannat (Jannah) | Find out Names of Jannah Flower


Names of Flowers in Jannat (Jannah)Names of Flowers in Jannat

If you are looking for names of flowers in Jannat, you are at the right place. Flower is a sign of happiness and joy. Some of the flowers have fragrance and some of them are without any fragrance. A person always feels fresh when he sees a flower. So many people are interested to know the names of flowers in Jannah. Here we have a short list of names of Jannah flowers.

Names of Jannah Flowers

Here is a short list of names of flowers in Jannah.

Afnan / Afnaan  (افنان)

Afnan is a name mentioned in Surah Rehman, Ayat 48.  It’s meaning is name of the flowering branches, tree branches or twigs

Names of Flowers in Jannat - Afnaan

Eshal / Eeshal / Eshaal (عشال)

Eshal is a Persian word. It is the name of flower in jannat. It’s meaning is “cute”.   جنت کے ایک پھول کا نام

Zunaira / Zunairah  (زنیرہ، زنیراء)

ٰIt is also a flower found in paradise, Its meaning is “Beautiful Girl”

Reihaan / Rehan (Male)   ریحان

It is translated as scented plant in Surah Rehman Ayat 12. We may also say “a bouquet of flower”. Often Reihaan is spelled as Rehan. Reihana or Rehana (ریحانہ) is used as feminine of Rehan.


Areej (اریج)  (Girl Name)

The meaning of Areej is fragrance,  the pleasant smell of a flower from an orange tree. It is also amongst the name of flowers of Jannah.

See also the list of Muslim girls name

Menaal  (مینال، منال)  (Girl Name)

The meaning of Menaal is “special Flower of Heaven”      آسمان کا خصوصی پھول  Menaal is originates from the arabic language.

Minahil  (مناہل)

Minahil is similar to Minaal. It’s meaning is “Most beautiful flower of heaven”

Zara / Zarah  (زارا، زارہ)  (Girl Name)

The meaning of Zara is women of Jannah, flower, lady, queen.

Some other names of flowers of jannat are as follows:

  • Mifa
  • Ezaj
  • Aihaan
  • Melia
  • Ramzeela
  • Toobah / Tuba    (Tree of janat)



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