Wapda Lesco Bill
If you live in Lahore or in the range of LESCO (Lahore Electric Supply Company – Pakistan) and looking for Wapda Lesco bill online, check their website for Lesco bill copy. They have provided facility to print the duplicate Lesco bill online. You do not need to visit Wapda office for the bill.
Also check other WAPDA sites for online bills of other locations
FESCO online bill
GEPCO online bill
HESCO online bill
How to get Lesco Bill Online – Step by step Instructions
Lesco Bill Online Check by providing Reference Number
All you have to do is to visit Lesco website and just enter your reference number. After that you just press Proceed button to get Lesco bill copy. Lesco online bill checking was never that simple before.
Lesco Online Bill Check by providing Customer ID
You can also get Lesco online bill through providing your Customer ID. Just enter the customer ID of your electricity bill and press Proceed button to enter into your account
No matter you entered your valid Lesco bill Reference number or your Customer ID, you will be entered to a new screen with various options. In this Customer Account menu there will be four options: “View/Print Bill”, “Consumption and Payment History”, “Account Status”, and “Provide new Reference number”.
Bill Lesco
If you press “View/Print Bill” link, your Lesco bill copy will be visible. You can view Lesco online bill. It will be your latest Wapda Lesco bill.

Lesco Bill Copy
From this Customer Account Menu, you can view Lesco bill online or print your bill through a printer. You can find instruction about how to print your Wapda Bill.

You can notice Download Bill button at the top of your bill. If you press this button, your Lesco bill copy will be downloaded as PDF Format. You can view your PDF format bill offline or you print if you like.
Another link on the Customer Account Menu is “Consumption and payment History”. If you press this button you will get detailed report of your bills history. This Lesco bill payment history will show you the detail of payments you made against Wapda bills, through the the year. This report consists of four columns: billing month, unit consumed, bill amount and actual payment made for that bill.
If you click “Account Status” link on the Customer Account Menu.
If you are LESCO bill customer and you want to get online LESCO bill Lesco website is the best place to download your LESCO electricity bill.
how to check bill 2018