Wifaq Ul Madaris Official Website Info – Wafaq ul Madaris al Arabia


Wifaq Ul Madaris Official Website, Wafaq ul Madaris Official Website

Wifaq Ul Madaris Official Website Info

Here you can get information about Wifaq ul madaris official website.  Wafaq ul madaris Al Arabia Official Website mostly consists of Urdu text.  It provides complete information about Wafaq ul Madaris Al Arabia introduction, staff, provisional position holders, nation wide position holders, notifications, courses, number of students, syllabuses, results, and exams information.  It is well designed and well formatted website. You can download different forms. Wafaq-ul-madaris is an organization responsible for organizing and managing complete system for students getting Islamic education in Pakistan.

Downloads on Wafaq ul Madaris Al Arabia Website

You can download admission forms and registration forms for hifz, alim course for all the classes, tajweed course, for boys and girls. There are registration forms for madaris,  and changing of name or father name and correction forms and form to get certificates.

Books Information on  Wafaq ul Madaris Official Website

Here is a complete information about recommended books for all the levels of Alim course. There are different books for boys and girls.  They can be seen through PDF reader.

Wifaq Result & Datesheets

Wafaq ul madaris official website provides Wifaq-ul-Madaris Result online, on timely manner. They also provide online date sheet of all the exams. You can also see the results of past years.

Wifaq Ul Madaris Exams Fees Information

From wifaq website you can get exams fees information. From 1st Muharram 1445, the fees has increased to 50%.

Other Information

They provide information about position holders also.

Click here for official website for wifaq ul madaris



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