PTCL Complaint Through SMS


PTCL Complaint Through SMS

You can register PTCL complaint through SMS. Through SMS, the process is easy and straight forward to register PTCL Complaint.  SMS service of any mobile phone can be used to send SMS to PTCL. Instead of PTCL Complaint Register Online,  SMS complaint service of PTCL really reduces waiting time of a consumer. The process of PTCL complain through SMS is as follows.

Landline Complaint Through SMS

In order to send landline complain through SMS, all you have to do is to use following sms format:

Format:   CMP  Landline-Number-with-area-code   LL   e.g.

Example:  CMP  02135867210   LL

In above example 021 is the area code of this number.  35867210 is landline number and LL indicates that it is landline complain.

You have to send this sms to 05 1218 1218.

Broadband Complaint Through SMS

In order to send broadband  complain through SMS, you have to send sms to 05 1218 1218 in following pattern:

Format:  CMP  Landline-Number-with-area-code   BB

Example:  CMP  04535867210   BB

In above example 045 is the area code of this number.  35867210 is landline number and BB indicates that it is Broadband complain.

Notice that only difference between broadband complain and landline complain is that we Use LL instead of BB at the end of our sms.

PTCL Complaint SMS – Conclusion

There are many other ways of PTCL complaint. PTCL Complaint by SMS is not used by customers very often. But it is nice and easy way to register your complain


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