Islamic Girl Names With E | Muslim Girl Names Starting With E


Islamic Girl Names With E

If you are interested to see the girls’ names with E, see the following list which shows Muslim girl names starting with E. The Muslim girls’ names start with E and Muslime girls names start with I are also sometimes confusing. Because a lot of names start with E as well as with I. E.g. You may use name عیشہ “Eisha” from E and you can also use “Isha” with I. Both are correct.

Islamic Girl Names With E | Muslim Girl Names Starting With E

Muslim Girl Names Starting With E

Name in Englishنام اردو میںمعنی اردو میںMeaning in English
Eishaعیشہآرام والی زندگیa life with full of comfort


Muslim girl names starting with E in Urdu

Muslime Girls starting with E usually starts with alphabet ع (ain) in Urdu language. ع (ain) is 25th character of Urdu language.

Names of SahabaShajra e Nasab Nabi(SAW)Family Tree of Muhammad (SAW)


Muslim Girls Names Starting With:



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