Islamic Girl Names With Y | Muslim Girl Names Starting With Y


Islamic Girl Names With Y

Islamic Girl Names With Y | Muslim Girl Names Starting With YIf you are interested to see the girls’ names with Y, see the following list which shows Muslim girl names starting with Y.

Muslim Girls Names Starting With Y in Urdu

In Urdu alphabets, the letter ی and ے are similar to Y (wai) in English. ی and ے are last alphabets of Urdu language.

Muslim Girl Names Starting With Y

Name in Englishنام اردو میںمعنی اردو میںMeaning in English
Yamnaیمنہright direction
Yasiraیاسرہامیر عورتrich woman
Yasmin, Yasmeenیاسمینچمبیلی کا پھولname of a flower
Yamamaیمامہجنگلی کبوترWild dove
Yaminahیمینہسیدھی طرف چلنے والیone who walk towards right direction
Yaqoot, Yaqutیاقوتایک قیمتی پتھر کا نامA precious stone
Yumnaیمنہبرکت والیArabic name
YusairahيُسيرہآسانEase, lack of hardship


Names of SahabaShajra e Nasab Nabi(SAW)Family Tree of Muhammad (SAW)


Muslim Girls Names Starting With:



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